Samayama like Sadhguru is unpredictable as far as my limited experience goes. Sadhguru in his talks makes a profound statement; its impact is still sinking in and pat comes one of the most outrageous jokes! My two experiences of Samayama are such a contrast too.
Last year's Samayama was my first experience. I was all keyed up, I had heard how difficult it was, how much your limbs would pain, how much of ' moove ' was to be stocked etc. The legs did pain, the knees did protest, but what took the cake, the baker and the bakery too were the weird things that it did to me. I lost count of the days, I could not open by eyes beyond a slit, my arms were perpetually getting entwined, and it was as though a dense cloud had descended where my brain used to be! I was crying desolately without reason one day only to be laughing my guts out the next. Humming away one day and making vain attempts to fly the next. The flitting across hills and valleys stopped only with the drums. The drums stilled me and as they reached a crescendo I felt myself shed my body and become the beat of the drums.
It is with this background that I came for the next Samayama this year, thinking that this time I knew what to expect! Day one, day two, day three and I were wondering what I was doing wrong. Except for the sob that escaped me when I saw the tears in Sadhguru's eyes as he welcomed the large gathering, there was not a tear, no laughter, no floating no flying, no humming, ' no thing '!
It was only on day four I reconciled to the fact that this Samayama was a different experience an experience of nothing! My body and mind was still I would not get startled with Sadhguru's "hey ". No
emotions, very few thoughts, just the constant sensation on the crown of the head, at times on the forehead and just once a powerful swirl at the pit of the throat. But for that it was silence, void emptiness all the way.
The first Samayama was full of experiences, packed with sensations of body and mind, the second was full too but full of what? I do not know all I can say is it was full with nothing!
Perhaps I was distracted ,I was physically ill , or maybe it was my mind it was expecting the previous experience or was it because I had just lost my mother idea ...wonder why...