Sunday, February 26, 2012


Samayama was an ethereal experience
A string of unending hallucinations
A snake at times, sometime two entwined ones
A sea gull soaring over in the serene skies
Floating over forests with a birds eye view
Of sages in meditation amongst the woods
Sometimes the whisper of the gentle wind
Wailing and crying , rolling with laughter
There were so many of me around
The observer, the observed,
The experiencer, the experience
And all this amidst the roars of the lions and jackals
Then one morning, I know not which
I had lost count as night followed day
I was waiting on my breath
Body swaying to music
Small little quivers ran up the spine
Parked themselves in a knot between my shoulders
As the drums beat, they beat upon my pulsating crown
Every note strummed was strum on my crown
The drums reach a crescendo
My crown reaches out to the skies
I was connected to the vast void beyond
Twirling hum was all pervading
I went still, connected by an umbilical cord
Layer after layer of me evaporated
Then there was no me
Only the gentle hum of the universe
The sound of silence
Nothing before this nor after
Ever came close to this
The fuzzy mind cleared, blurred vision cleared
Wobbly legs steadied, swaying body still
All that remained was the Sound of Silence
Night followed day but I was still
No more hallucinations , no more experience
My crown yearns for that umbilical cord
My ears yearn for the hum of the universe
My body yearns for that moment of non-existence
My heart yearns for your Grace Sadhguru
Fill me with your breath, that I may forever be
One with the Sound of Silence

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